Bonus Blog KLTFor any marketer, website owner, blogger, etc., the key to success is achieving what my friend, Mark Hendricks coined years ago–Know, Like & Trust. Another friend, Tina Williams, teaches the KLT Factor to her offline consulting students.

Achieving KLT online is much harder than offline, where the ability to meet face-to-face for extended periods of time can bring one to the Trust stage much quicker. Your website visitors are anonymous and most covet their online privacy unlike meeting a prospect in person. If you as a blogger or Internet marketer remain anonymous, a KLT connection is virtually impossible.

In order for your visitors to Know you, one must reveal some amount of information about themselves–a picture, a bio, personal stories, etc. Then the next stage of Liking you is accomplished over time as you consistently communicate in a way that provides a connection to your readers/subscribers. The final stage of Trust only comes about when you are perceived to be honest and trustworthy by providing quality products and content and not letting your fans down.

The case study I mentioned in the title is really just a peak into the world of Lynn Terry of If you’ve been a BonusBlog reader for a while, you know that I think highly of Lynn as one of the best at Internet marketing as well as being someone of high integrity. I also consider my membership in her Elite Forum one of the smartest purchases I’ve made in my online business.

Recently, a commenter on a blog who obviously had some sort of agenda, defamed her by name in his comment. I want you to go over to Lynn’s blog about this situation, read her response, and then read the comments that follow. That, my friends, is the definition of KLT! We can only wish for the kind of blog readers who will come by the hundreds to our defense in a similar situation.

I welcome your comments about developing your own KLT Factor.

Chris Cobb

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