Trading Time for Dollars

Pop quiz…

How many times have you heard this advice? “Stop trading time for dollars.”  Yet, I’d venture to speculate that most coaches and trainers do this every day even though they tell you they don’t.  That’s because most don’t understand the concept and the serious damage it does to your profit center.

Offering packages does not overcome the limitations of time for dollars because  – after the package is purchased – you still have to spend time to deliver the services.  That leaves you right back where you started.

So, you’re left with the original problem of trying to earn more and grow your coaching /training practice in the same finite 24 hours everybody else has.

More than that… You have three problems that are stopping you from making more within the same amount of time you’re currently spending:

  1. Only Working One on One
    Wait a minute.  Isn’t coaching all about personal contact? When you hire a coach, you want to talk with them and get their guidance.  That’s the point, right? Yes.  But that’s not all.

    There are different types of coaching and not everyone wants the same style. If you’re only offering one-on-one coaching at premium pricing, you’re leaving an awful lot of business by the wayside.

    But… What if you could offer coaching services to people who didn’t want or couldn’t afford top level services?  With automated systems in place it is easy to help an unlimited number of people without any more work on your part, once the system is set up.

    Now you are able to expand to those who don’t want personal coaching or would rather have an on-demand solution.  You’re making money and helping people while you sleep… Literally.

  2. Geographic Limitations
    If you’re offering in-person coaching, geographic limitations are also hindering your success.  You can only get to so many people before you run out of space or time.

    Delivering digital coaching / training on autopilot can reach an international audience that you’d never be able to get to otherwise.

  3. Exhaustion
    Keeping pace with a schedule that constantly demands you to be hands on can just wear you out.   But, when your income is solely dependent on time, you’ll hit the exhaustion barrier every time.

    Set up digital delivery of your information.  Nuff said.

    Don’t you think it makes good business sense to reach 100 people or 1,000 people in the same amount of time that you can reach 10?  Of course!  It’s the digital version of the “one-to-many” concept and it works quicker,  easier and less expensively than the brick-and-mortar version, too.

It’s time to stop struggling with obstacles that are preventing the growth of your coaching or training business.  Wouldn’t you rather put the systems in place that will bring you more business, more income and more freedom?

Delivering digital coaching and training is my specialty. I invite you to check out  the on-demand system I use to overcome these obstacles in my own business.

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