Learning at NAMS
What makes the difference between struggling to learn how to make money online and actually doing it? For me it was meeting the right people who were more interested in teaching me valuable information than selling an ebook. The first Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop (NAMS) was held in January and it was my first Internet Marketing conference. Wow! I wish it had come months earlier. I could have jump started things a lot sooner.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure you could make a business in Internet Marketing before this workshop. I thought IM might be just people selling stuff to each other and waiting for newbies to show up with fresh cash. All that was cleared up literally on the first day of NAMS. We worked like dogs! I fell into bed exhausted every night but incredibly excited about all I had learned that day and actually put into practice. As you can see from the picture, we were actively engaged in the process. The guy sitting next to me in the yellow shirt became a good friend and is one of the most interesting guys on Twitter. You should definitely follow @DanRMorris. The next day I moved to the front of the room to not miss a single word.
This was not a pitchfest as they say in the business. We learned detailed step-by-step information about affiliate marketing from Lynn Terry (Click Newz), article marketing from Jeff Herring (The Article Marketing Guy), niche marketing from David Perdew (founder of MyNAMS), creating joint ventures from Willie Crawford (founder of the Inner Circle) and building a successful business from Mark Hendricks (Internet Success System). Jeff even got us to write at least one article in class and submit it to an article directory using his easy template system. For some of us, it was our very first article.
Now all these folks will be back for NAMS2 in August but this workshop will be even bigger and better. David Perdew, the mastermind behind NAMS, discovered that one size doesn’t fit all and the class represented varying levels of expertise. So he has assembled 14 instructors so that each person can learn at their own level in separate groups. No one will be left behind.
Do yourself a favor. Get over to Atlanta August 14-17. Through June 15, the cost is only $197. I know you have spent more than that on ebooks sitting on your hard drive! Click Here to get the full scoop and the workshop itinerary. See you there!
[2011 UPDATE] NAMS6 is in Atlanta August 19-21. Price through May 30, 2011 is $297 using coupon code 100special or take the 3 pay plan of $99 each after applying the code.