I’m sure you have great information in your blog posts, but do you make that information “look” interesting as well? Do you make the post visually appealing and inviting or do you just write the words and hit the publish button? I regularly use a number of WordPress plugins that help me “dress up” my blog posts and even my pages.
Think about the websites you enjoy visiting and try to determine what it is about them that keeps you coming back. Number 1 reason is most likely the content. Those websites are providing information that is interesting and helpful to you. But I imagine a close second is that the author makes it easy to consume the content in the post.
Here are a few of my favorite plugins for dressing up my blog posts:
- Shortcodes Deluxe
This is a premium plugin from Mark Dulisse. It gives you 15 extra buttons in your post/page editor to make it easy to add all sorts of graphic elements like checkmarks, buy buttons, testimonial boxes, special fonts, line breaks, arrows, highlighting, phrases and many more.
- WP Table Reloaded
One of the problems with WordPress is that sometimes it is difficult to get things to line up just right. A good way to accomplish that is with a table. With this free plugin, you don’t need to know how to code a table with HTML. It gives you a dashboard to make a table and then you just insert the shortcode for the table where you want it to appear. You can see an example of a table I created with this plugin on the Coupons & Bonuses page. - Shadowbox JS
Here’s another free plugin that can really help out with your images. Many times if you import an image into your post or page, it is just a little big for the content.
However, if you resize it within WordPress, it may not allow your readers to see all the detail within the image.
If you install Shadowbox JS, it adds some magic to the images so that when you click on them, they open in a lightbox at their full size.
Try it out by clicking on the thumbnail image above of Max Rylski’s graphics webpage.
Do you have some tricks and tips for dressing up your blog posts? If so, please leave a comment and let me know.