What does it mean to SEO your blog? And why would you want to? And how can Scribe help? If you are blogging for anyone other than yourself and your best friends, then you need to do things that help Google find your website and display it to Google searchers when they type in your keywords. So let’s look at these questions:

What Does It Mean to SEO Your Blog?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and means to optimize or enhance something (a website, a post, a sales page, etc) for the search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. These search engines use techniques to evaluate content on the web to determine the ranking or placement of web pages in response to keywords typed into the search boxes.

So to SEO your blog means to add titles, tags, descriptions, content and keywords that will enhance its chances of ranking higher in the search engines.

Why Would You Want To SEO Your Blog?

Traffic is the first reason. And the second and the third! No purpose of your blog whether it be to get subscribers or get customers will be realized without traffic. In other words you need people reading your posts and one of the ways to get those people is for them to find you in their search.

If you believe that just sitting down at the keyboard and typing a clever blog post will automatically get Google to stand up and take notice, you are kidding yourself. After all, we are talking about a robot–not a magazine editor.

How Can Scribe Help?

Scribe is a WordPress plugin and an external optimizer that evaluates your posts or other content against a set of criteria that you must use in order to SEO your blog. Instead of guessing whether your blog post is constructed to perfection, Scribe will tell you in a few seconds and point out where you should improve. All this is done before you hit the publish button.

Watch this video to see Scribe in action:

Scribe is the brainchild of Brian Clark of Copyblogger, considered one of the most influential blogs in the world. Click here to grab your free SEO copywriting report.

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